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About us

Astro Journey is an organisation devoted to Vedic astrology, spirituality and new age practices. The organisation actively provides guidance and means (astrological interpretations, numerology, gemstone remedies, Rudraksha therapy, alternative healing, Yantras, mantra chanting etc.) to the individuals who are interested in optimizing their life – through embracing a particular philosophy or positive thought, or though espousal of new activities that ensure physical as well as mental well being.

The high levels of stress in everyday life have put a new challenge before us, which is not about achieving a career high, or a pre set target figure. The biggest challenge that an individual faces today is the achievement of a balance between the mental equanimity and physical poise…in total a state of complete comfort with oneself.

www.astromandir.com is the brainchild of Guruji Shrii Arnav - an internationally acclaimed Vedic Guru and spiritual master. The organisation derives its inspiration from the visionary ideas of Guruji and is involved with making the wisdom enshrined in the Vedas, available to all and sundry. Vedic astrology - a part of this great pool of knowledge is an accurate science. Jyotish is called the Eye of the Veda, for its believed ability to view both phenomenal reality and wisdom itself. The constant endeavour at Astro journey is to provide the best direction and answers to some of life’s toughest questions.

The organisation was started in the year 1999 and is based in the city of Bangalore (India). It continues to touch lives across the globe, providing solutions to the myriad problems which individuals face. Having started online operations in the Year 2000, Astro Journey, having a strong web presence is providing Consultancy services in the field of Vedic Astrology, Planetary Gemology, Stress Management based on ancient Indian sciences, numerology etc. Astro Journey is registered with the Director General of Foreign Trade - Ministry of Commerce - Govt. of India and the GJEPC- Gemstone and Jewellery Export Promotion Council)

Astro Journey has grown by leaps and bounds over the years and is renowned for providing authentic products and dependable services. This is where Astro Journey is a notch above the rest. The organisation gives additional attention to detail. The products are not simply dispatched on demand but they are consecrated in the particular individuals name for the accrual of maximum benefits to the latter. The services are provided in their actual ideal form with the rituals and Yajnas being performed in accordance with the prescribed procedures as described in the holy Vedas- Brahama Vani- God’s Own Words. The product range includes astrological services, natural & certified gemstones, sacred Tantrik articles, Rudrakshas, Yantras etc to name a few.

The organisation has under its auspices, a powerful Vara Vinayaka temple at Rajajinagar, Bangalore where the consecrations, Yajnas and Homas are performed by priests.

Astro Journey plans to set up an ashram in near future with the focus and intent to establish a place for conducting discourses, sadhanas, yogabhyas etc. It would be a place where individuals are able to live in a disturbance free environment conducive to rejuvenation and goal seeking.

About Guruji Shrii Arnav

Guruji Shrii Arnav is a Vedic Guru well versed in the traditions of this ancient knowledge. His powers however are not limited. As a person with infinitesimal grasp of a wide array of Indian competency areas – be it Vedic astrology, numerology, gemology, Vaastu Shastra, Tantra, mantra shakti and beyond - he is the neo-modern guide and guru for the citizens of this new world. Guruji Shrii Arnav is a true Guru, for the seekers of Dhyan Sadhana (Meditation techniques) and Mantra Sadhanas. While the term Vedic may have Hindu connotations – his applications and processes find people of varied religious relating with him quite easily.

Guruji Shrii Arnav is renowned worldwide and has followers in dozens of countries across the globe, who have been touched deeply by his abiding faith and ability to positively influence and affect their lives. The Guru helps people of all faiths and backgrounds to seek answers and solutions to the most complex factors of their lives. He incorporates knowledge and practice of the Vedas and other spiritual texts in association with the scientific factors of gemology, astrology, and his own spiritual capacity to render life solutions. He not only assists people in understanding the present and past but also predicts the future and also the different aspects of their lives – be it related to relationships, businesses, health, etc. Going beyond predictions, Guruji Shrii Arnav suggests and undertakes sacred Vedic rites and rituals (Yajnas) that can enhance the positive parts of the chambers or deter the negative influences.

Yet even as he provides succour to very many people from all classes and backgrounds. Says the Guru – “My goal is to demystify the myths that hold back the ordinary individual from experiencing the powers of the spirituality. In my own way, I wish to break down the barriers of religious and spiritual ignorance and bring it closer to the new generation of Indians and non-Indians. I wish to help everyone – whether he is a believer or a non-believer – a Hindu or a Muslim, a Christian or a Sikh. Everybody can benefit.”

More information on Guruji Shrii Arnav can be accessed by clicking here.